
Interest Free Layaway

How it works

For any item over £20, we offer an interest free layaway plan.

Secure your item(s) with just 20% deposit, then spread the remaining cost up to over *12 weeks - interest free! 

Deposits need to be made in store after viewing the item(s). You can then pay off the remaining balance via PayPal, BACs or over the phone - all in the comfort of your home!

*We are able to offer 15 weeks layaway for a small storage fee. 

You can make payments as frequently or infrequently as you like, with as little or as much as you like. - just as long as the final payment is settled within the allocated period of time. 

When you wish to make your final payment and book delivery / collection, we kindly ask that you provide us with 48 hours notice so we may arrange for the item(s) to be brought out of storage. 

Want to know more?

If you want to know more or have any questions, just leave your details below, and a member of our sales team will be in touch.

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0% Interest

Flexible Payments

No Credit Checks

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